& Contact
Ecstatic Dance Utrecht has its home at
Bar-Beton in Rijnsweerd
Pythagoraslaan 101
3584 BB Utrecht
Acupuncture, Herbs and Massage.
Would you like more info about Ecstatic Dance?
Please give us a call or send an email.
By Bus
Bus 28, direction Science Park (Uithof) take bus stop “Rijnsweerd Noord” stops right in front of Bar-Beton.
Free Parking
Behind the Bar Beton building in the Galileïlaan at the left-hand side. The only way to get there is via Biltsestraatweg N237 & Archimedeslaan. When parked in the Galileilaan, walk towards the barrier (slagboom) and turn left onto the main parking area to walk to the back of Bar Beton.
Or – when standing in front of Bar Beton – take the most left parking entrance with “welkom bij de sterren” written above, this entrance to the building on the left of Bar Beton has NO BARRIER. Drive while following the white arrow on the floor to the left. After 20 meters there’s an almost unseen bridge on your right-hand side, cross over and you’ll arrive at the other side of the Galileïlaan. Parking on both sides.
Above the ramp next to the entrance of Bar Beton €3,00/h.
Under the Bar Beton building after the barrier for €1,80/h.
For both these options you need you bank card in order to open the barriers.